Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eggs, Eggs, and More Easter Eggs...

Henlee and I went to Macey's grocery store for a "hunt" around the grocery store.
My cousin, Paula and her girls joined us! They got their face painted, decorated cookies, got bunny ears, and found Easter baskets around the store.

Later that evening we went to Grandma and Grandpa Despain's house to color eggs!

Kaylee's favorite eggs!

Henlee's favorite!

Mr. H and his Grandpa!

Kaylee and her Grandpa!

Henlee and his best friend, Ky!

The next morning was filled with a soccer game and then an Easter Egg Hunt in Provo.
I waited with Kaylee...

Kaylee and her very short hunt. They were asked to only pick up five eggs and be done.

Dad waited with Henlee! He was loving standing next to this.

Waiting for the hunt to start...silly kid!

The kids had fun!

 The next morning was Easter!! The kids were very happy with what the Easter Bunny left them. Cute umbrella's bunny ears, candy, a shirt for Henlee and a jumper outfit for Kaylee!

 My cute little bunny girl!!

We had a wonderful dinner and then an egg hunt!

All the kiddos for the hunt!

We had a great time and a good holiday!

1 comment:

tHEsIXpACK said...

The videos are so funny! Hoppy Easter!!