Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Break For Spring....

For Spring Break in April we headed down to our favorite quick vacation spot, St. George!!
Kinzy drove down with us but Matt had to work.

The first official day there was the warmest day.
Jody took us fishing at a local pond.
It had been along time since we had been fishing and Henlee's first fishing experience!

Jody was teaching Kaylee how to cast her fishing pole out into the water.

Kaylee then caught her first fish of the season!! It wasn't big enough to keep and fell back into the water before we could get a picture...

 Henlee loved to fish!! He even managed to "catch" a fish!
Henlee's first Fish!!

So happy!!

That same day we had dinner at Jody's house. A wonderful BBQ picnic outside!

Another day we tried to pretend it was warm enough for a Splash pad, but it wasn't. The park was pretty cool though and the kids loved this swing!

While Henlee was at a play date with his friend Preston. Us girls went to Red Mountain Spa for lunch and a swim!

Another day we watched Shelby play in her high school softball game! Go Thunder!!

There she is, playing outfield!

We even enjoyed lunch and staying with Laura, saw Jordan for one evening, and shopped!

1 comment:

tHEsIXpACK said...

So much fun packed into one little trip! love it!