Thursday, March 8, 2012


My Valentines Day morning was spent getting ready for Kaylee's class party! We did a cake walk, played bingo, and had lots of treats!
We even made it to mentors for a special Valentines party there. Kaylee is always so sweet to share with her brother!

Kaylee received this very special dog, with earrings and a necklace from her very first Valentine!

We had Nece and Jeana over for our special pink chicken alfredo! {Don't mind the shirtless wonder in the back!}

I got a new feather pillow, a scarf, and a single rose from my hubby the night before love day! We also went to eat & to see  The Vow the next night.
To my surprise I received a letter for everyday in February...I had no idea and was completely surprised that he thought of such a special gift for me!
All I got him was an Amazon gift card!

1 comment:

tHEsIXpACK said...

I am so shocked at Matt's love letters!! That gift ROCKS! =] Your house scream Irish in the blood! Looks so good!!! Dang I need you and a hobby lobby ASAP! LOL