Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brady's Parents Day....

Sunday 23rd:
We were going through our usual Sunday routine, when Kaylee decided to make
chocolate chip cookies!!
What a great baker!

She then informed us it was "Parent's Day"

From then on out, we were to do whatever we wanted! A nap, watch football, & she would get us anything (She seriously would not let us get up!)
She gave us these Coupon vouchers:
They consisted of a pedicure, a back scratch, & Hugs & kisses, my favorite part!

She even made us a very nice dinner & a sweet note!!

Chicken Spaghetti! She set it up that Matt & I were at the table alone, with sparkling cider. It was suppose to be 'like a date' she said!

After dinner, we ended the day with my pedicure!

Parent's day was SUPER cute!! How lucky am I to have a daughter who thinks of us!!
That's my Princess!!
Love you!

1 comment:

tHEsIXpACK said...

AWESOME! very cool Kaylee! Maybe we should adopt this..lol