Monday, December 27, 2010

My HAPPY Day...

I got SO many amazing things this year! I got a package from the Mindy & company.

It was some sun lotion, cause I had been complaining that the sun never comes out on my birthday, like I would want, a Rachel Ray cookbook, & a mantel clock! :)

Thank you so much for thinking of me all the way, to even send a separate package!!
I loved it all!!
P.S.It was good to see your face!!

I was awaken to the Birthday song & breakfast in bed!! Thanks Matt & Kaylee! It was delicious!!
While I was getting ready, they gave me my gifts!

I got this from Henlee!!

This super cute wallet from Kaylee!!

And this infinity scarf & jacket from Matt!!

We finished getting ready, grabbed Nece & headed to Park City!! I love Park City!!
While driving the kids were taking photos of each other!

It was snowing while there!! We managed to stay warm & went shopping!

Afterwards we went to see Momma B to receive my presents! She got me a dish set & these hat boxes in the same damask print!! I LOVE them!!

We planned to go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse, got there, waited & waited some more, to only realize that there wasn't enough room for them to accommodate our big party:
Mom & Dad D, Momma B, Nancy & Tim, Jeana & Bennie, Nece, Danny, & Victor!
So we went to the only place that would at last minute....Golden Corral!

I didn't take many pics because I all ready had at my party!
I was happy to add some more family to share in my birthday!

I was so overwhelmed at how much love my family has for me!! It was so great to spend time with them! My heart was so full today! Thank you to all who showed their love for me on My day of birth!