Monday, May 16, 2011

Mothers Day....

The Friday before Mothers Day,Matt took his Mom lunch & flowers to her at work.

Him & I agreed that it would be important & good to have some alone time with our mothers/fathers this year!

(My mom was unable to go right now)

He said it was good to spend alone time with her!

On Mothers Day, I woke up to a decorated kitchen & Breakfast (hash browns, toast, bacon & eggs) YUMMY!!

My favorite food might just be breakfast!

I got a sweet, recordable card! Brought me to tears, that I will cherish FOREVER!!
A picture of my kids, a colored paper by them, and hand picked flowers!

We headed to Holly's house for lunch and to hangout. The weather was really windy so we stayed in doors. Holly did an amazing job and everything was wonderful!!

My Momma B!! She is a Mother to me! I couldn't want it any other way!

My kids got her this plant & put their hand prints on the pot!

My little man!

Matt & his Mom

We did go to a nice dinner at my brothers house, that Nancy & him put together for us moms!!

I didn't bust out the camera....ooops

But we had a great evening!

1 comment:

tHEsIXpACK said...